Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meet theFund Board Member Marc Nourani

Marc has been active on the Board for over 5 years. He serves on theFund Finance and Luminaria Planning Committees and was an Area Captain at Luminaria 2012.   During his tenure with Citibank, Marc led the employee campaigns for theFund. Currently, Marc is a Director in SMB Operations & Resources for Rackspace Hosting where he helped theFund secure in-kind technology support.

“Why did you choose to become involved on the Board of theFund?”
I have always greatly admired and appreciated the artistic and creative talent of others,
especially because I don’t feel that is a talent I myself possess to any significant degree. Although I was neither born nor raised in San Antonio, I have come to love this city and her people over the past twenty years. Doing whatever I can to support and better our community is a passion for me. theFund affords me an opportunity to support arts and culture in San Antonio and enrich our community in a much more meaningful and significant way. San Antonio is already a wonderful city, but it is our arts, culture, creativity and passion that fuel our continual evolution into a world class community.”

“What advice do you have for those from the business community who are
interested in becoming more involved in their arts community?”
Certainly, do it! The level and quality of the arts and culture in a community embody the
creativity and passion that fuel the community and its evolution to world class levels. Given the vibrancy and breadth of the arts community here in SA, it could be daunting to pick only one or a few to support. theFund provides a wonderful opportunity for businesses and individuals to support many arts organizations with a single donation.

“Can you give an example of how the arts can effectively change business
At Rackspace, we display art created by our Rackers and others in our community. To me, this is another shining example that our company is "all in" when it comes to supporting our folks and our communities. Moreover, the art inspires Rackers to be creative in their own right and serves as a continuing reminder that the only limits on our future are our collective imagination and creativity.

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